Case Study Houses for the 21st-Century Berlin
From Module to Urban Quarter
aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
25 Mai until 17 June 2016 at the Campus Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
The scholarship holders have taken a close look at case studies for modular residential buildings of the future on the basis of an assignment, which had been formulated as a realistic scenario in close dialogue with the housing association Berlin-Mitte (WBM).
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Meinhard von Gerkan
Stephan Schütz
Academy for Architetural Culture
Campus Rainvilleterrasse
Rainvilleterrasse 4
22765 Hamburg
Editorial staff
Enno N. Maass, Johann von Mansberg,
Christine Graff, Luisa Höltig, Katharina Paschburg
Design concept
ON Grafik, Hamburg