Designs for Hamburg’s New Traffic Hub
Altona Nord
aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
14 September until 07 October 2016 at the Campus Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
The workshop assignment consisted in the development of a universal strategy for the railway station, the station building and also for its integration into the urban fabric in cooperation with a range of partners – Deutsche Bahn, the City of Hamburg and private investors – in order to produce a convincing and practically realisable solution.
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Meinhard von Gerkan
Nikolaus Goetze
Academy for Architetural Culture
Campus Rainvilleterrasse
Rainvilleterrasse 4
22765 Hamburg
Editorial staff
Annika Göttle, Christine Graff,
Luisa Höltig, Enno N. Maass
Design concept
ON Grafik, Hamburg