Digital Centre for the Hanseatic City
Megathek Hamburg
aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
01 September to 24 September 2021 at the Campus Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
This year's autumn workshop of the aac dealt with the design for a "Library of Digital Knowledge" for Hamburg.
The new concept promotes the involvement of the population, so that the building can also represent an up-to-date form of traditional community centres. In combination with highly developed digital equipment, a space is to be created here for discussion and intensive engagement with all media.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Volkwin Marg
Nikolaus Goetze
Academy for Architetural Culture
Campus Rainvilleterrasse
Rainvilleterrasse 4
22765 Hamburg
Editorial staff
Petra Averesch, Annika Göttle,
Enno N. Maass, Anja Meding
Christine Graff
Design concept
wibberenz‘design, Hamburg
Bureau Hendrik Sichler, Hamburg
ISBN 978-3-944848-33-4