aac workshop archive

Konzerthaus Stuttgart
Designs for a Public Music Campus
aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
16.03. to 08.04.2022 at the Campus Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg
This workshop was under the guidance of
Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Volkwin Marg und
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Nikolaus Goetze
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
Information on how to apply and take part in one of our upcoming aac courses, click here.
Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Württemberg, is already a place of high cultural value and has been considered the No.1 cultural metropolis in Germany for several years. The Stuttgart Opera with the Stuttgart Ballet, as well as the Liederhalle as a concert and congress centre are currently the largest venues for the three renowned symphony orchestras in the city, as well as the diverse musical life with its numerous musical institutions and private event organisers.
Now there are considerations and initiatives for an expansion of this spectrum to include a high-quality, innovative and open concert hall, ideally in a prominent location.
The Konzerthaus Stuttgart e.V. has developed a site-independent concept on which the aac spring workshop 2022 was based. As the "Three Pillars of Spatial Categories", the venue is to include not only concert halls and their associated functions (performance), but also areas for encounters and facilities for music education.
The idea is to create an open house for diverse target groups, not only for classical concerts in the evening, but also for rock, pop and jazz concerts, for amateur events and for audiences of various ages. The areas for café, exhibitions and classrooms are also to be open during the day and at weekends, thus ensuring integration and networking with the surroundings and the outdoor facilities.
The three-and-a-half-week course was divided into a number of phases with interim presentations and crits by renowned guest professors. In teams of 4 participants each, different approaches to solutions were developed and elaborated in the workshop rooms of the aac, in the former maritime school at Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg.
To kick off the workshop, an excursion to Stuttgart gave the chance to visit the potential site, the Liederhalle as well as other precedents in terms of content or architecture.
At the end of the workshop, the results were presented and made accessible to an interested audience in a public exhibition.
You can find more impressions of this workshop on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Participants: Anika Janna Noemi Zeman. Anke Langenkamp, Benedikt Radloff, Bernadetta Budzik
Bernadette Johanna Koller, Daria Pietruczynik, Jacqueline Ildikó Horn, Johanna Meßner, Laura Michaela Speckl, Merle Fülling, Merlin Bieling, Miriam Oehrlein, Patrick Ehrensberger, Wadir Sarwar, Zhang Xinyuan, Zuzanna Winiarska
Tutors: Fabian Faerber, Walter Gebhardt, Annika Göttle, Prof. Philipp Kamps, Sona Kazemi, Anja Meding
Visiting Professors: Prof. Jörg Friedrich, Jette Kathrin Hopp, Prof. Oliver Thill
Expert: Nicolas Pomränke