aac workshop archive
Designs for a Campus Art and Nature - Gut Nantesbuch
aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
09.09 to 02.10.2020 at the Campus Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg
This workshop was under the guidance of
Prof. Dr.- Ing. h.c. Volkwin Marg und
Dipl.- Ing. Architekt Nikolaus Goetze
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
This year the aac's autumn workshop focused on art and nature: In Nantesbuch, situated in the middle of the Bavarian foothills of the Alps, new places of activity for artists and art lovers are to be created in addition to the expansion of the existing agricultural use. A campus shall be created that will enable to understand and experience the special relationship between art and nature.
The Nantesbuch Foundation was founded in 2012 by the entrepreneur Susanne Klatten and is a non-profit cultural institution that offers spaces and interdisciplinary programs for the interaction of art and culture with nature and landscape.
The foundation is engaged in ecological landscape conservation in the region and has already created a venue for a diverse cultural and educational program with the construction of the "Long House" on Gut Karpfsee.
The aac's autumn workshop focused on the further development of the area. In the future, a new campus for in-depth encounters with art, nature and landscape is to be created.
In this sense, it important to place suitable work and activity places for artists as well as exhibition rooms in the direct vicinity of agriculturally used warehouses and stables. Additionally, rooms for symposia, seminars and events are needed.
The special challenge of the workshop was the interaction of the architecture with the landscape conditions as well as the direct neighbourhood and overlapping of the different requirements of visitor-oriented facilities and agricultural buildings.
16 participants worked on designs in teams of four people. Each team was accompanied intensively, continuously and personally by an experienced tutor during the entire course. The teams were mixed internationally in order to enable an intensive exchange between young architects with different cultural backgrounds.
The workshop started with an excursion to Nantesbuch with its impressive landscape. First impressions were generated on site and sketchy concepts were presented in a step-by-step design. The three-and-a-half-week course was continued in the workshop rooms of the aac, in the former nautical school in the Rainvilleterrasse in Hamburg.
You can find more impressions of this workshop on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Participants: Michael Arzberger, Anneleen Jasmine Boersma, Emil Brechenmacher, Joanna Cieslikowska, Michel, Grändorf, Felix Kleinschmidt, Paulina Knodel, Jonathan Kreuter, Hanna Kruse, Leon Lensing, Alina Meyer, Federico Minelli, My Linh Ngyuyen Lam, Tina Pal, Tanja Stapelbroek, Zuzanna Wysoczynska
Tutors: Fabian Faerber, Walter Gebhardt, Prof. Philipp Kamps, Sona Kazemi, Anja Meding
Visiting Professors - Experts - Guest Critics: Prof. Florian Nagler, Markus Innauer, Prof. Felix Waechter