aac workshop archive

Vertical Life
Urban Qualities in Future High-rise Buildings
aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
14th February to 9th March 2018
This workshop was under the guidance of
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Dipl.-Ing. Meinhard von Gerkan and
Dipl.-Ing. Architect Stephan Schütz
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
The Utopia of the vertical city has forever kept planners and utopians under its spell. From the Tower of Babel to the production designs of “Blade Runner” this vision is recurrently conjured up.
The adaption of these ideas for solving the existing challenge of increasing concentration on large cities and the resulting global megacities has produced a pronounced high-rise boom worldwide. These high-rises, in parts emblematic, offer maximum living space on a minimum footprint. Newly developed concepts for multifunctional high-rises attempt to reach urban qualities to maximise the amenity value and quality of life for its users and residents. Unresolved, however, are issues of vertical densification, which do not loose urban values and neighbourliness as they are found in traditional urban residential quarters with their
heterogeneous variety of functions and uses.
The workshop focused on the design of a hybrid high-rise for the Chinese metropolis Shenzhen, one of the fastest growing cities in the world, which as a three-dimensional urban structure shall translate urban qualities into the vertical, by means of a functional mix of public and private functions, of open and closed spaces as well as urban and green elements.
Participants: Adrian Bachmann, Can Peter Grothmann, Constanze Bieber, David Gothe, Tran Duy Khanh, Guo Hui, Li Jiayang, Johanna Seedorf, Maike Growe, Max Boström, Cai Qingyu, Liu Siwei, Ngo Ba Trung, Viktorija Mankevičiūtė, Li Xin, Zheng Zhixiao