aac workshop archive

Deutsches Hafenmuseum Hamburg
Designs for the National Port Museum
aac workshop, Hamburg, Germany
01.03. to 23.03.2017
This workshop is under the guidance of
Prof. Dr.- Ing. h.c. Volkwin Marg and
Dipl.- Ing. Architect Nikolaus Goetze
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
Big sailing ships dominated the scene of the Hamburg port until the 20th century. Today, the Hamburg tidal port is the third largest container handling hub in Europe. Only enormous changes in the structure of the Port of Hamburg allowed this change to happen, while maintaining the significance of the port in the world events. In autumn 2016, the Federal Government has accepted the city of Hamburg’s tender to build the National Port Museum. A museum that shall present selected examples of the port operations from the fields of cargo handling, shipping, shipbuilding and of the port as a world of work and myth as well as walk-in exhibits on a scale of 1:1. Showpiece and visible mark of the museum shall become the four-masted barque “Peking”.
Based on the setting of a realistic scenario, the assignment of aac’s spring workshop 2017 was the design of a modern museum building with open-air grounds for the National Port Museum at a prominent location. The Afrikahöft within the Kleiner Grasbrook in the Hamburg port had been selected as site for the design of the National Port Museum. The site is located in direct neighbour-hood of the historic 50er Schuppen, in which today’s Hamburg port museum is, and with a stunning view over the Elbe towards the HafenCity with Elbphilharmonie and the city centre of Hamburg.
The designs developed in the workshop diversely reflect the existing potentials and give important impetus to the still ongoing debate in the Hamburg State Parliament on a suitable location for this future, outstanding sight.
Photos: jochen stüber fotografie
Participants: Felix Behnecke, Simon Bollongino, Chen Yujun, Lotta Luise Ewert, Stefan Gruhne, Huang Zhuolan, Jonas Janke, Tilman Levine, Lewin Lorenz, Ma Xiao, Julia Malessa, Luis Michal, Alina Nettmann, Maximilian Erich Peter, Jurek Prüßner, Hartmut Raendchen, Wang Qu, Wang Yuchen, Xing Yifan, Zhu Tianxin