24 Days - 16 People - 4 Designs

Architecture Workshops at aac Academy for Architectural Culture, Hamburg

24 Days - 16 People - 4 Designs

The aac-workshops for Bachelor/Master students in architecture and young graduates take place twice a year during the lecture free periods in spring and autumn.

Apply now for one of our workshops!

aac spring workshop 2025

Registration not possible

aac workshop USA special
02 June - 27 June 2025
Application deadline: 10 February 2025

aac autumn workshop 2025
03 September – 26 September
Application deadline: 10 June 2025

aac spring workshop 2026

Application deadline: 10 December 2025

aac autumn workshop 2026
Application deadline: 10 June 2026

Dates will follow.

Find additional information on how to apply at this download link
Here you will find a detailed list of questions and answers.

For additional updates on on programme and deadlines, also follow us on Instagram or LinkedIn.

The aac Academy for Architectural Culture is a private, non-profit organization, located in Hamburg and founded by the architects von Gerkan, Marg and partners. With research studies and intensive courses held throughout the year, the aac is dedicated to finding solutions to relevant architectural issues and the further education of young architects from different cultures.
Through public symposiums, exhibitions and book publications the academy’s working results are made available for discussion with decision makers, and in particular, the general public.

For three and a half weeks (24 days) you will develop a contribution to an architectural topic (1 design) relevant for our future, by working intensively in an international team of four students (4 people). Supported by your own tutor and under the guidance of a gmp partner you will be able to develop your design in discussion with prestigious architects.

A scholarship for every participant is available to cover the workshop fees and costs for all working materials. The accommodation for the entire time of the workshop in Hamburg will also be covered entirely by the scholarship.

Find additional information on how to apply at this download link.

further elements of an aac-workshop:


The aac-studios with a spectacular view over the port of Hamburg are equipped with computers for every participant, various software-licenses, and workshop-materials.

visiting professors
Renowned visiting professors provide their own specific contribution to a deeper understanding of the assignment and actively participate in finding a solution and assessing the results.

Professional experts are called in to supplement the lectures with seminars and accounts of specific experience.

During the aac excursions, built examples of certain categories of building are visited and explained from the designer’s point of view. In this way theoretical course topics can be discussed and evaluated while experiencing built solutions.

public events
In order to do justice to the strong political, social, and architectural interest in the theme, it will be reflected in public events, and a selection of the workshop results will be presented at public events and an exhibition

Find additional information on how to apply at this download link.